Could A Lightsaber Cut Through Captain America's Shield? Mark Hamill And Chris Evans Have Thoughts


Could A Lightsaber Cut Through Captain America's Shield? Mark Hamill And Chris Evans Have Thoughts

There's nothing quite like a good old-fashioned nerd debate. Fans have argued over "who would win in a fight between" different popular characters for as long as there have been fans, but now, in the era of social media, the characters can weigh in. Recently, somebody on Twitter posed their question, or more specifically, their kid did, can a lightsaber cut through Captain America's shield? Mark Hamill himself has chimed in to say it depends on which universe the battle is taking place in.

Ultimately, Mark Hamill avoids the question, though in a way that makes some sense. Lightsabers don't exist in the Marvel Universe and any attempt to create them would have to deal with vibranium's position in that universe as one of the strongest substances in the galaxy. By the same token, vibranium doesn't exist in the galaxy far, far away, but we know that lightsabers in that galaxy can cut through essentially anything, so there's likely no metal that would be able to stand up to it.

Of course, there's another side to this argument, and he chimed in as well. Chris Evans, who plays Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, doesn't really argue with Mark Hamill's initial points. Instead, he just points out that having his shield cut to ribbons by a lightsaber certainly wouldn't put him out of the fight.

While these two universes are as close to existing together as they ever have been, both living under the Disney banner, it seems highly unlikely that we'll ever get an answer to this question. Both weapons are some of the most powerful in their respective worlds, but they'll never meet. Certainly, Mark Hamill's point is probably well made, that a Star Wars writer would probably have a lightsaber cut through vibranium, while a Marvel writer would likely have the shield stop a lightsaber.

Although, Star Wars: The Force Awakens did show us that it is possible for a non-Jedi to construct a weapon capable of blocking a lightsaber's blade, so maybe there are more limits to a lightsaber than we know. At a lightsaber's core is a naturally occurring crystal, so the idea that another naturally occurring element could defeat it maybe isn't crazy.

As with all fan debates of this kind, there will never be a real answer, but that's the fun of the question. Do you think a lightsaber could cut through Captain America's shield? Let us know in the poll below and make your arguments in the comments.

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