Top 20 YouTube Movies Available To Watch


Top 20 YouTube Movies Available To Watch

Since the moment they've opened their doors, YouTube has always been a fine purveyor of everything from DIY hacks to cute animal videos, with tons of gaffes, live TV moments, and movie trailers filling the gaps in between. Yet there's one thing YouTube isn't primarily known for, at least when it comes to the legal enjoyment of filmed entertainment: they've got a lot of good movies sitting on their servers, just waiting to be viewed -- in their entirety. Some are classics that have fallen into public domain, and can be watched for free. Others are big studio pictures or legacy titles that are locked up tighter that Citizen Kane's past. Yet they all have one thing in common: they're on the YouTubes and available for anywhere from free to a nominal fee.

So if you're looking for something to watch, Netflix or Amazon Prime are exhausted options, and your Blu Ray collection has been picked over so frequently you know all the words to X-Men: Days Of Future Past, why not frequent some of these easy to view picks? Chances are there's something you've always been meaning to watch sitting on the list below.

BigYear Of Release: 1988 IMDB Score: 7.3 / 10 Synopsis: After Josh Baskins makes a wish upon a carnival fortune-telling machine, he grows up to become a more Tom Hanks-looking version of what he'd look like as an adult. With the help of his best friend, he embarks on a journey to make better toys, reverse the wish, and learn how to deal with women... not necessarily in that order. If you need a good reminder of just how funny Tom Hanks can be, or if you just want to relive the piano scene one more time, look no further.

Broadcast NewsYear Of Release: 1987 IMDB Score: 7.2 / 10 Synopsis: The world of television news is tough, especially when the ax is looming and some pretty boy wants your dream job (and dream woman). Aaron (Albert Brooks) has to contend with Tom (William Hurt) for both breaking news and the heart of Jane (Holly Hunter,) his best friend. Set against the backdrop of 1980's network news, Broadcast News tells the story of talent vs. looks -- a debate that was waged on no greater battlefield than the ever-evolving landscape of TV news. Funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking -- this is a comedy that's in rare form, and you'll be hard pressed to find anything like it today.

11 Comments Off on Sylvester Stallone Met The Most Adorable Rocky Fan While Editing Rambo 5 The little fan asked Sly a great (and very flattering) question too. Source link
Sylvester Stallone Met The Most Adorable Rocky Fan While

Expect a lot of bumping and grinding from multiple characters in the new episodes, including from Dylan Bruce and Parisa Fitz-Henley, who play Bobo and Fiji on the show. One of the scenes fans won't be seeing, however, is a hilarious nude scene that Midnight, Texas' Bruce actually pitched to the creative team.
Midnight Texas Finale's Sexy Ending, and Cueing Up for Season

It looks like Sony's efforts to launch their own Marvel cinematic universe is paying off in spades. Despite mostly negative critical reviews, audiences are showing up for Venom, and they're liking Box office: Venom set to take a massive bite out of the box office | SYFY WIRE
Venom's Success May Stop Spider-Man Rights Returning To Marvel

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TV and Movies Leer en espaƱol Avengers: Infinity War becomes fastest movie to make $1 billion. Disney says the Marvel superhero movie crossed the $1 billion landmark on Saturday, 11 days after
'Avengers: Endgame' Becomes Fastest Film to Gross $2 Billion

X-Men: Dark Phoenix is still 10 months away from hitting theaters, but we've decided to go over the movie's main lineup of protagonists and determine which of those players are most likely to die

Oscar Isaac Teases Lots Of Poe And Finn Scenes In Episode IX

Marvel Is Having A Great Night At The Oscars. February 25, 2019 News No comments. Black Panther will have some gold to go with all that vibranium! Source link . About .

Everything we know so far about Matt Reeves' The Batman 2021 solo movie It would be fair to say the DCEU has been through some major changes since the Batman standalone movie was originally announced.
THE BATMAN (2021) Concept Trailer Ben Affleck DC Movie [HD

Artist aboyningthouja even suggested that a Jon Hamm Batman could be a counterpart to Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. As far as we know, even with a new actor playing the eponymous character, The Batman will still be set in the DC Extended Universe, whereas Joker is a standalone movie set outside of the DCEU.
See What Jon Hamm Could Look Like As DC's New Batman

Ralph Breaks the Internet is everything that made Wreck-It Ralph enjoyable, painted on a canvas as big as the Internet itself. The satire is sharp and the pace is relentless, a can't miss combination for a kid outing. Read full review
Ralph Breaks the Internet - Wikipedia

Shazam! director David F. Sandberg has revealed even more DC deep cuts hidden in Billy Batson's upcoming solo outing! Subscribe To Shazam! Director Reveals Even More DC Easter Eggs Updates
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