B.D. Wong Explains Why We Shouldn't Call Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's Dr. Wu A Villain


B.D. Wong Explains Why We Shouldn't Call Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's Dr. Wu A Villain

The Jurassic Park franchise is one closely associated with nostalgia, as the 1993 classic has been passed down across generations. Those feelings are currently at a high, as Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will arrive in a matter of weeks. The upcoming sequel will bring back Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard's new heroes, while also welcoming Jeff Goldblum's Ian Malcolm back into the narrative. When Jurassic World first arrived, B.D. Song's Dr. Henry Wu was the connective tissue that linked both trilogies, as the character made his debut back in the first film. Henry Wu is up to some shady business in the upcoming sequel, but Wong doesn't seem to think his character is a villain. As he told it,

I think it's kind of reductive or simplistic to call him a villain, but I think he definitely does make some choices that are extremely controversial. I do think he's motivated by his love for science and his own ego, which is well supported by his massive achievements. He's really kind of a genius and he really is responsible for this alleged technology creating these creatures. I think he turns a blind eye to the human suffering that comes as a result because he thinks he's looking at some bigger picture. I think that's his Achilles heel and it will remain to be seen if he can overcome that. He's painted into quite a corner in Fallen Kingdom --- it will be interesting to see how people react to that.

Rather than having all out evil intentions, it seems like Henry Wu is simply blinded by science. He knows firsthand what genetic manipulation is capable of, and he seems to put his work above all things-- including human life.

B.D. Wong's comments to THR show how much he truly understands his signature Jurassic Park character, and presumably helps to explain some of the choices he'll end up making in Fallen Kingdom. His actions in Jurassic World seem to only be the tip of the iceberg, so perhaps he'll end up a bigger role than his previous appearances.

Henry Wu returned in Jurassic World, to the joy of the generations of fans. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best showing. While originally featured working within the park, he eventually evacuated the island via helicopter, complete with the dinosaur embryos he'd been working on. Wu seems to be breeding weaponized creatures, setting up the events of Fallen Kingdom. It certainly seems irresponsible to breed super dinosaurs for the highest bidder, but Henry Wu is too engrossed in his groundbreaking new work. He's not a villain, he's just misguided and passionate.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom will arrive in theaters on June 22, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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