Solos Paul Bettany Doesnt Consider The Standalone Star Wars Film A Failure


Solos Paul Bettany Doesnt Consider The Standalone Star Wars Film A Failure

Solo: A Star Wars Story was a movie that a lot of people felt was disappointing. It had siginificant issues behind the scenes while in production and, while the critical reviews were fairly solid, the box office was certainly not up to the usual standards of a Star Wars movie. Paul Bettany, who played the role of Dryden Vos in the movie, was quite shocked by the negative reaction that Solo produced, as he personally thought the movie was great. According to Bettany...

I loved the movie. I went to see the movie and I loved it. I knew some real dyed-in-the-wool nerd fans, Ryan Adams, for instance, who was like, 'It's so fantastic, I love it!' and then he went to see it again. I took him to the premiere and then he went to see it again. It was confusing to me. I thought the story was so great, I thought the execution was so great, so it was surprising, to me.

Paul Bettany certainly isn't alone in his feelings toward Solo: A Star Wars Story as a lot of people did love it, but certainly he does seem to be in the minority. The film just didn't seem to drum up the sort of enthusiasm that we usually see with Star Wars. Many factors have been given for this, from the fact that Star Wars: The Last Jedi had only been released six months previously to trepidation from fans due to the fact that Lucasfilm changed directors in the middle of filming.

However, while Paul Bettany may not understand why people had such a reaction to the film, he's ultimately not too worried. As he points out to MTV, the movie still made a ton of money, nearly $400 million worldwide to be exact. Beyond that, because it's a Star Wars movie, while people may have sat it out initially, eventually everybody is going to see it.

It's also peculiar being in a movie that makes hundreds of millions of dollars and people say, 'It's just not enough.' The thing with Star Wars is eventually everybody on the planet's gonna see that movie and I really am proud of it and I loved playing Dryden Vos. I loved him. He's delicious.

Paul Bettany certainly has a point. Solo is the number seven movie of the year at the domestic box office and number 11 worldwide, which is nothing to sneeze at. However, due to the excessive reshoots that took place around the change in directors, the cost of the film became much higher than anticipated.

The next chance for people to watch Solo: A Star Wars Story is coming up as the movie is set to be released on Digital and Blu-ray next month. There's a good chance those who might not have been willing to shell out for a full price movie ticket might take the chance on a digital rental to see how the film actually turned out.

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