Marvels Frank Grillo Is Trolling Fans About Avengers 4


Marvels Frank Grillo Is Trolling Fans About Avengers 4

Spoilers ahead for Avengers: Infinity War.The Marvel Cinematic Universe has had a never ending series of hits during Phase Three, and the entire shared universe as we know it is a mystery after the events of Avengers: Infinity War. After half of the galaxy was destroyed with the snap of a finger, the future of the MCU after Avengers 4 suddenly became a giant question mark. With so many heroes falling, fans are expecting Thanos' snap to somehow be reversed during the next film, therefore reviving the vanished characters. But could other characters also return from the dead? Actor Frank Grillo played Crossbones in both Winter Soldier and Civil War, the latter of which seemingly showed his death. But Grillo has teased fans about his possible return in the years since, and recently did exactly that while celebrating Crossbones' action figures. Check out the actor's post, especially his use of hashtags.

While his Instagram post is mainly about Frank Grillo's excitement over being immortalized as a Marvel action figure, the guy can't help but troll the fans. Ending the post with #Aven.... is all it takes to get the hardcore fandom excited about his potential return. Now we'll see if it comes to fruition.

Frank Grillo's Crossbones isn't one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's biggest villains, but the actor has certainly made the most of it. He played the character with attitude and ferocity in Captain America: Winter Soldier, which is widely considered one of the shared universe's strongest outings. The Russo Brothers brought him back for the opening sequence of Civil War, before he was promptly killed off in a suicide bomb attempt. The hero was confirmed dead, but it's not unlike The Russo Brothers are above bringing back long gone villains.

After all, Avengers: Infinity War shocked audiences when Captain America: The First Avenger's villain Red Skull returned after a 7 year gap from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Walking Dead actor Ross Marquand took over the role from Hugo Weaving, and fans were delighted to see the iconic villain have a part in Thanos' emotional Soul Stone scene. With the rule book thrown out and Avengers 4 slowly approaching, it wouldn't be out of left field for The Russos to bring back Crossbones, even for some sort of dream sequence.

Then again, The Russo Brothers have spoken time and time again about the importance of high stakes, and wanting to have Marvel's deaths have meaning. They're going to have to decide which of the deaths in Infinity War will stick, especially with the future of the MCU currently in flux. Bringing back even more characters like Frank Grillo's Crossbones could cheapen his impact on the shared universe, as well as the events that ultimately triggered The Sokovia Accords in Civil War.

All will be revealed when Avengers 4 arrives in theaters on March 3rd, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

Uhhhhh...... ok. I guess my life is complete. #CROSSBONES. #BROCKRUMLOW. @marvel #captainamericathewintersoldier #captainamericacivilwar #aven...........

A post shared by Frank Grillo (@frankgrillo1) on

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