New Halloween Trailer Features Michael Myers Without His Mask


New Halloween Trailer Features Michael Myers Without His Mask

Horror is one of the most easily profitable genres, as they an be made at a low cost, and make tons of money at the bxo office. As such, classic horror franchise have been running for decades, with countless sequels helping to make each villain all the more iconic. One of the OG slashers is returning in the fall, as Blumhouse's Halloween will arrive just in time for the titular holiday. Ignoring the myriad sequels, the story will follow a Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) who has spent 40 years waiting for her attacker to return. Michael is coming, and it looks like we'll see a more intimate look at the character than fans have ever seen before. Because Michael's unmasked face will be part of Halloween, as seen in the movie's most recent trailer. Check it out.

Does anyone else have chills? After a true life-style documentary provides background from the original Halloween movie, new clips from Blumhouse's sequel are shown. This includes a shot of Michael Myers without his mask, including a nasty wound in his eye.

This new trailer has the potential to elicit the full gamut of emotions for Halloween fans. Some fans will no doubt be excited about this concept, as the franchise has never really shown the man behind the iconic mask. This allows the sequel to break new ground, and keep things fresh. What's more, Michael's unmasked appearance further shows how much reverence the filmmakers have for John Carpenter's original slasher. Michael's eye injury was actually done by Laurie Strode herself, in the scream queen's final conflict with Michael. In the iconic closet scene, Laurie uses a wire hanger as a crude weapon, stabbing her attacker in the eye. Now we can see the after affects of that move-- and it's not pretty.

Although many Halloween fans will be excited to see Michael Myer's face, there will also be some purists who aren't interested. The character is at his most terrifying when acting as a random agent of chaos, and seeing his real-life injuries and the man behind the mask has the possibility to change this. It's Michael's chaotic nature that inspired the Blumhouse's Halloween to no longer have he and Laurie Strode as siblings-- making his attack in Haddonfield all the more terrifying.

While the Halloween franchise doesn't usually show Michael Myers' face, that's actually how the entire franchise began. In the original film's opening sequence, we go into Michael's POV as he brutally kills his sister on Halloween night. And when his mask is taken off, he's revealed to be a young boy. You can check out the scene below.

The reason for Michael's need to kill has never really been explained, although the above scene aligns with the horror trope of naughty characters getting the axe. Sex and drugs often equate to death in classics, which is seen when Halloween kills off Laurie's friends Lynda and Annie. Good girl Laurie might have taken a puff of weed in the first act, but she's otherwise the moral compass.

It should be interesting to see how Michael and Laurie's conflict goes down in Blumhouse's Halloween, as their relationship will be unlike anything we've ever seen from the beloved franchise. Halloween will arrive in theaters on October 19, 2018. In the meantime, check out our 2018 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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