Josh Brolin Hilariously Responds To Viral Ant-Man Theory


Josh Brolin Hilariously Responds To Viral Ant-Man Theory

It's an extremely exciting time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Avengers: Endgame is less than a month away, so moviegoers will finally see what happened after Josh Brolin's Thanos snapped his finger and destroyed half the galaxy. But until then, the rabid fandom will continue pouring over the brief trailers and making their own creative (and sometimes ridiculous) theories.

A new fan theory went viral this week that is absolutely bonkers. It involves Paul Rudd's Ant-Man, and alleges that he's the key to killing Thanos one and for all. The theory says that Ant-Man should use his shrinking abilities, and then jump into the big purple butt of the Mad Titan. And once he grows, he should tear the villain apart from the inside out. It's scatalogical and kinda brutal, and now Josh Brolin himself has responded. And in the best way possible.

Seriously, how can you not love this man? On top of bringing a surprisingly vulnerable performance to Thanos through motion-capture, Josh Brolin also has a good sense of humor about playing the Mad Titan. So much that he's willing to record viral content from a porcelain throne.

Josh Brolin's video comes from his personal Instagram, and shows that the actor is definitely aware of what the internet says about his signature MCU villain. While not explicitly referencing the wild theory about Ant-Man, Brolin takes the time to get real punny about Endgame's imminent arrival in theaters. His miming of using the toilet was apparently meant to show the tension of the upcoming blockbuster. He also references the marketing "push" ahead of its release. It's all very delightful and gross.

The theory about Ant-Man using Thanos' butt against him has actually been around for a while, although it gained some serious traction in the last week. Plenty of viral memes and videos have hit social media, each more bonkers than the next. While the fans are almost salivating with anticipation ahead of Avengers: Endgame, it's nice that everyone can lighten up and have some fun in the interim period. Because the stakes for the MCU couldn't be higher leading up to the blockbuster's release.

The ending of Avengers: Infinity War shocked everyone, as Thanos assembled the Infinity Stones and wiped out half the galaxy's life with the snap of his finger. Both the audience and surviving heroes were left to watch in horror as countless fan favorite characters faded to dust. It's been a year since that movie arrived in theaters, so the wait for answers has been excruciating.

It should be especially fascinating to see how Josh Brolin's Thanos functions within Endgame's plot. While he finally succeeded in his quest, he did so at great cost. Gamora and the Black Order all perished during Infinity War, and clearly Nebula has it out for him. Thanos has been noticeably absent from the film's marketing material, save for his armor and a quick shot of his hand in a field. Does retirement suit the Mad Titan? And how will he react to the the upcoming battle against The Survivors?

All will be revealed when Avengers: Endgame arrives in theaters on April 26th. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your next trip to the movies.

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The tension around what “Endgame” is going to bring. I can feel it, as you can see. Can you? ???? #tbt #thanosmarketingpush #flushanantman #50percenthernia APRIL 26th #repost @joshbrolin @goldsgym @justindlovato @marvelstudios

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