Two Black Panther Characters Who Survived For Avengers 4


Two Black Panther Characters Who Survived For Avengers 4

While we saw a lot of people turn to dust in Avengers: Infinity War, there are a lot of characters whose fate is still undetermined. However, it seems we may have an answer about two characters from Black Panther. Angela Bassett, who plays T'Chala's mother Ramonda was recently asked whether or not she was a victim of "the snap" and she seems to have confirmed that both Ramonda and Shuri did not turn to dust. According to Bassett...

No. Neither did my daughter. Shuri, she's a bright girl there in Wakanda. So...

To be clear, Angela Bassett was apparently asked if she "believed" her character had survived the snap. She told ScreenRant that she did, though her comment about Shuri having not vanished seems a bit surer. Bassett's character is never seen during the events of Avengers: Infinity War and it seems possible that she won't appear in Avengers 4 either. Her survival might be a bit more semantic, like that of numerous other characters who we likely won't see.

Shuri, however, seems like a bit more important question. We last see her in Avengers: Infinity War in her lab attempting to remove the Mind Stone from Vision without destroying him. She gets blasted by one of Thanos' minions, and we don't see her again after that, so it's never made clear whether she was in the half of life that survived. Especially with T'Challa having been part of the group that was lost, it seems quite likely that Shuri will have survived as it simply seems like a long shot that the movie will take them both out of the equation. As Angela Bassett says, Shuri is a bright girl, and that intelligence will probably be important as the remaining heroes try and figure out just what the hell to do next. She could also pick up the Black Panther mantle as the Avengers could very likely use the help and we know she's capable of handling herself in a fight.

While Ant-Man and the Wasp gave us the fates of several other key MCU characters that weren't dealt with in the main film, with a cinematic universe of so many characters there are countless more whose fates are still unknown. The vast majority of them will probably be unimportant, but since we really have no idea what is to come in Avengers 4 -- we don't even have a title to give us a hint -- the fact is that anybody could end up being important.

We're still in the dark on so much but as Shuri has certainly become a fan favorite in her short time in the MCU, it will likely make those fans very happy to learn that she is alive.

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