To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Incredibles 2 Ticket


To 3D Or Not To 3D: Buy The Right Incredibles 2 Ticket

After 14 years of absence, the Parr family is back in action with Incredibles 2! The day we never thought would come has arrived, and there have been some pretty big leaps in how this latest adventure is being presented. Namely, it's the first time the franchise has gone to large format presentation, and naturally 3D format has followed as well. Which is basically the alarm bell for us to trigger our super-powered evaluation tactics and ask the question you've been waiting to see answered: To 3D or not to 3D?

If you're more interested in reading whether The Incredibles 2 is worth the wait, you can read our official review to find out how good the movie is. But if you want to know if you should spend the extra 3D coin or if you should start saving for Edna Mode's fall collection, you've come to the right place. Suit up, readers! It's about to get weird in the third dimension.

How do you not automatically think of 3D when The Incredibles 2 is discussed? Between the powers on display and the visual language of the franchise, there's plenty that can be thrown at you, blown up, and scattered through the prism of the third dimension. There are movies that 3D really shines through, and Incredibles 2, in concept, is one of those films.

There is some serious love applied to The Incredibles 2's 3D showmanship, and considering it's a Disney/Pixar film with Brad Bird at the helm, it's no surprise. Legitimate 3D thrills are to be had by all in this film, though a little more attention could have been paid to the typical problem of brightness. Still, that's a minor gripe to be had when a film as action-packed as this can come across as a smooth and enjoyable 3D experience.

While it's not a bonanza of objects being thrown out at your face, there's a good level of eye-popping thrills in Incredibles 2, and they come pretty early on in the film. From Bob's first struggle with the Underminer to Helen's first time out as a solo hero in years, there are a lot of visual components being sent through the window and into flinch-inducing territory. Hands and objects get pretty pointed at times, and glass gets shattered in beautiful detail, like any good superhero movie worth their 3D salt.

There is clean, crisp delineation of characters and their backgrounds/objects in play with Incredibles 2. But perhaps the most impressive aspect of the depths that the film conveys through 3D are the atmospheric elements. In particular, there's a lot of water being played with in various parts of the film, and Frozone's powers also come into play with random snow and ice jets helping draw sharp contrasts between his end of the action and that of the adversaries on the receiving end. While it's not exactly limitless, it's a pretty deep depth that's drawn in the picture, and it's gorgeous.

There is a rich, glorious color palette on display in The Incredibles 2, and as such, the 3D presentation has a potential to dim that color with the addition of those black and grey lenses you don to watch the film. It's not always the conversion team's fault that a film such as this gets washed out, as it really does depend on how well your theater calibrates their equipment between showings and/or switches between 2D and 3D viewings of the film you're about to enjoy. With those caveats in mind, Incredibles 2 still has a fair amount of washed out colors, and even some issues with scenes portrayed in slight and almost total darkness, leaving some moments hard to watch for the audience behind the 3D glasses.

During any 3D presentation, you're going to be tempted to take a break and lift up your 3D shades to take a look at the picture on the screen. As these sorts of films always carry a level of blur to their picture, it's only natural that you'll want to see just how blurry Incredibles 2 gets. However, that's not merely a fun oddity of the medium, but also rather essential to just how deep the picture can get and how much it can project things out to the audience. In reference to the blur quotient of this film's visuals, we can safely say that there's a majority of blurred action showing a healthy level of visual 3D manipulation, save for some elements that take a more 2D approach in selected scenes.

With the various components of 3D presentations causing different aspects of the presentation to affect one's visual experience, audience health is key when it comes to watching a third dimensionally-enhanced product like Incredibles 2. If the action isn't captured correctly, a 3D version of a film can nauseate and strain the eye, with similar strain coming from a lack of proper brightness. Thankfully, the action of Incredibles 2 is fluid and smooth as anything, which takes any possible nausea out of the equation. Unfortunately, the previously discussed lack of brightness does strain the eye a bit, which can leave the audience feeling a bit tired-eyed when all is said and done.

If you're looking for 3D thrills, Incredibles 2 isn't a bad bet, as there are a good amount of thrills and visually stunning tricks this film has up its sleeve. That said, if you're in a larger group that includes children/3D adverse moviegoers, it's not an essential viewing experience. You could easily put extra money towards another premium format with a bigger screen and better sound quality. As usual, you'll want to seek out a theater that you trust to properly calibrate their equipment. So if you're going to go the extra dimensional mile, be careful.

Click to visit our full To 3D Or Not To 3D Archive.

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