Could The Avengers: Endgame VR Experience Reveal A Potential Spoiler?


Could The Avengers: Endgame VR Experience Reveal A Potential Spoiler?

Since Avengers: Infinity War arrives in theaters last April, the conversation the discussion around the Russo Brothers' massive ensemble piece hasn't slowed down. This is mostly due to the film's twist ending, where Josh Brolin's Thanos succeeded in his even quest, and wiped out half the galaxy with the snap of his finger. As such, fans have been searching for any idea of what is coming next in Avengers: Endgame.

The marketing for Endgame has been slowly amping up, with the film's official title and first brief trailer recently revealed. Now a VR experience is being debuted ahead of the film's release, with some fans believing a potential spoiler could be hidden. As Variety reports, the experience is titled Marvel's Avengers: Rocket's Rescue Run, a VR system that is being debut by Audi for CES 2019. And considering the precarious position of the surviving heroes in the MCU, could this hint at Rocket rescuing Iron Man and Nebula in Endgame?

When the Avengers: Endgame trailer debuted, one thing was clear: Tony Stark was in serious danger. The trailer opens up with Robert Downey Jr.'s signature character recording a goodbye message to his wife Pepper Potts, revealing he'd soon run out of oxygen. He and Nebula were left stranded on Titan in Infinity War, after failing to separate Thanos from the Infinity Gauntlet. But could Rocket Raccoon be the one to rescue him?

Its a narrative that would track, given Rocket's position at the end of Infinity War. He is the only surviving member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, after Gamora was murdered by Thanos and the rest of the team faded to dust in The Decimation. Given his emotional issues, it makes sense that he wouldn't stay on Earth, and would perhaps travel back through the galaxy, and stumble upon Tony and Nebula on the way to Titan. Nebula was also seen communicating with Mantis during Infinity War, so she and Rocket may be able to get in touch in order to schedule a rescue mission.

Of course, Marvel's Avengers: Rocket's Rescue Run could also just be a fun gaming experience, and something for Marvel fans to enjoy safely from the backseat of a new Audi. But moviegoers are eager for any and all information about Avengers: Endgame, given the world-changing affects of Thanos. The trailer was purposefully vague, only showing a few shots of the surviving Avengers to set the tone of the movie. But the marketing material will reportedly only feature footage from the first 15 minutes of the movie, meaning that anything could happen once Endgame finally arrives in theaters.

Luckily, audiences are finally going to get some answers, and sooner than anticipated. Avengers: Endgame was recently moved up to April 26th, 2019. In the meantime, check out our 2019 release list to plan your trips to the movies this year.

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