Next? When Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Full Length Trailer May Be Coming


Next? When Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker's Full Length Trailer May Be Coming

Fans waiting for their first look at Star Wars Episode IX were finally rewarded over this past weekend as we finally got a teaser, and official tittle, for the new movie. The footage of Star Wars: Rise of the Skywalker looks great, but if what we just saw was simply a "teaser," then when are we actually going to get a full trailer for the film? If past is prologue, then don't expect to see it anytime soon, because it may not be showing up until October.

While there's eight months between now and the release of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker, the fact is that Star Wars really doesn't need to do all that much marketing. The franchise is incredibly popular already and we don't need trailers to keep the hype going. This has been clear in the way that the previous two Star Wars films released their trailers.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens did release its first teaser trailer in November of 2014, more than a year before the film debuted, but considering it was the first Star Wars movie in years, a little extra push is to be expected. The film then released a second teaser in April of 2015, during Star Wars Celebration that year. This was then followed by a full trailer for Star Wars; The Force Awakens that arrived in October, less than two months before the movie would hit theaters.

The difference between a teaser and a full trailer is somewhat semantic, but in the case of the Star Wars films, the teaser tends to give us footage, but largely without any context. We get to see some cool stuff, but we don't know what any of it means. The full trailer, while certainly not giving away the game, tends to include more character dialogue if nothing else, which can help us at least try to make sense of exactly what it is we're looking at.

This same process of teaser and trailer would be followed two years later when Star Wars: The Last Jedi was released. The teaser was unveiled during the Last Jedi panel at Star Wars Celebration. Then, coming in October, we would get the only full trailer release we would see for the film.

Now, in the case of the third film in our trilogy, we once again got our teaser at Star Wars Celebration, so there's every reason to expect the full trailer will also be released in October.

Part of the reason to expect that is that something else happened in October alongside the trailer release, tickets went on sale for the films.

Tickets for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker are unlikely to go on sale before October and we should absolutely expect a trailer to hit alongside the announcement. All the more reason to expect that this footage is all we're going to get for the next several months.

Still, there's always the possibility that things will be different this time around. In previous years, we'd always received the title for the new movie before the release of the teaser, so previous marketing schedules are not gospel.

Is this going to be enough to keep you excited until October?

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