Avengers: Endgame Seemingly Confirms Valkyire, More Characters Made It Through The Decimation


Avengers: Endgame Seemingly Confirms Valkyire, More Characters Made It Through The Decimation

While we learned the fate of many of the most important heroes at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a massive place full of characters that we've all come to care about. The last film didn't take the time to show us what happened to all of them, but a collection of new character posters seems to reveal that several characters whose fates were unknown, like Valkyrie, Happy Hogan and Wong appear to have survived Thanos' snap of doom. Here's the new character poster for Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie.

The posters of all the Marvel characters look basically the same. They're all simple headshots of the Marvel hero with the words, "Avenge the Fallen" written across them. However, there is one major difference. Some posters, like the ones for characters we know are alive, like Tony Stark or Nebula, are in full color. Others, for characters we know are dead, like Black Panther or Doctor Strange, are in black and white, as you see here...

If we can safely assume that all characters who get a poster in color are alive, then we can conclude that Valkyrie, Jon Favreau's Happy Hogan, and Wong are all alive, as is Pepper Potts, as their posters are all in color. Since we never saw them fade away or saw them in any scene after the snap had happened, we simply didn't know their fate until now.

Unfortunately, with the good news comes some bad news as well. Letitia Wright's Shuri, who stole the show in Black Panther has been confirmed to be dead by this method, as her poster is in black and white.

Of course, in the case of Valkyrie, one has to wonder if the poster means even more than that. Tessa Thompson's character never appeared in Avengers: Infinity War despite the last place we saw her being the same ship with Thor, Loki, and Hulk. Does the existence of this poster at all mean that Valkyrie will play a role in Avengers: Endgame? Neither Valkyrie nor Happy Hogan had any major role in Infinity War, so one has to wonder why they're getting posters now. The obvious reason is that the characters will matter in the new film. Valkyrie and Happy Hogan save the universe? I'm good with that.

All of our questions will finally be answered, and the fallen will be avenged, April 26.

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