Emily Blunt Says Edge Of Tomorrow 2 Is Getting A New Script


Emily Blunt Says Edge Of Tomorrow 2 Is Getting A New Script

The sequel to Edge of Tomorrow seems like one of those projects that, eventually, is going to get made. The original film, while not a huge blockbuster, was financially successful, it's got a strong fan base that wants a sequel. Tom Cruise, Emily Blunt, and director Doug Liman all want to make it. And we know there's an idea for what the new movie would be about. However, it seems that getting the idea down on paper may be somewhat difficult. While a script for Edge of Tomorrow 2, or Live. Die. Repeat and Repeat, as it is apparently going to be called, does exist, it seems that it's been decided that they needed to take another shot. According to Emily Blunt...

Doug Liman has got an awesome idea and he's excited and they just need to write it. There has been a script, but now I gather there's another one in the works.

The one thing we know about the Edge of Tomorrow sequel is that the premise behind it is supposed to be something really special. Doug Liman, who directed the original Edge of Tomorrow, has been singing the praises of the concept for a long time. It's supposed to be something unique, that acts as both prequel and sequel to the original film. However, it sounds like the idea may be so different that translating it from a concept to an actual script may be turning out to be more complicated than previously realized.

What's interesting is that Emily Blunt tells Indiewire that Tom Cruise had originally asked her if she was available to film Edge of Tomorrow 2 last fall. She wasn't, as she was set to film Mary Poppins Returns, but it sounds like if she had been, the movie might have gone into production with the script they already had. Perhaps the feeling was that the script was "good enough" but now that they have some extra time, they're taking another swing at it in order to be sure it's as good as it can be.

That's assuming, of course, that the script being referred to here by Emily Blunt here is a revision of the original one and not an entirely new script. It seems unlikely they'd be starting over from scratch, especially since we're assuming that the basic idea for the movie hasn't changed, but at this point, since there's a great deal we don't know, anything is possible.

It still seems like we'll get Live. Die. Repeat and Repeat at some point. Everybody is still into it, but we'll need to wait for everybody to be available at the same time and now it seems that also includes the script.

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