How Captain Marvel Will Interact With The Avengers, According To Infinity Wars Writers


How Captain Marvel Will Interact With The Avengers, According To Infinity Wars Writers

Needless to say, there will be spoilers in this article, so stop reading now if you want to go into Avengers: Infinity War knowing nothing.

It's no secret that Carol Danvers, better known in the Marvel Comics as Captain Marvel, will be joining the action of the MCU in time. What we don't know yet is when. Last year, CinemaBlend traveled to Atlanta to get the scoop on Joe and Anthony Russo's Avengers: Infinity War, and it was clear that the directors were working on weaving Captain Marvel into the narrative fold. Actress Brie Larson had a mailbox on set, and the creative team addressed her costume design, which they seemed very excited about.

Since the set visit, though, it has been confirmed that Captain Marvel's debut will be held for Avengers 4 -- she also has a solo movie planned for Mach 2019 -- but when we spoke with Infinity War screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely about their process, they at least were able to tease the tone and mindset that the character of Carol Danvers will bring to the ensemble. Markus told us:

That's a power scale that right now doesn't exist in the MCU and it's... or she's, I should say, in some ways the closest to Captain America. Which is a weird, now rare, kind of character... a person who's right, and knows they're right, and doesn't really want to hear it when you tell them they're wrong. So, with all these flawed, fucked up people, and [Peter] Quill who's a mess, and Tony [Stark] who's a massive ego all contorted. It's fun to get another person with a clear vision in there and going, 'Shut up.'

Carol Danvers' origin connects her to the military. In the comics, back in the 1960s, Danvers was an officer in the U.S. Air Force who gains her powers after an explosion that exposes her to Kree enhancements. It's complicated.

Brie Larson will bring the character to life in the planned Captain Marvel movie, which will be co-directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. We're confident that the character's origins will change from the books, but it sounds like the military fortitude and self-confidence will carry over, based on what Markus and McFeely shared.

Marvel Studios is telling audiences that they will not see Carol in Avengers: Infinity War, but I'm not buying it. Not entirely. I know that Joe and Anthony Russo filmed Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers 4 back to back, and that there's now a clear distinction between the two movies. But if I had to guess, I'd think Captain Marvel shows up in a mid-credits scene of Infinity War, setting up her solo movie for next year.

For now, this is what Avengers: Infinity War will look like:

We will have plenty more from Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. Also, all of our Avengers: Infinity War set coverage can be found here. And you can bookmark our Upcoming Marvel Movies guide to stay up to date on all of the future happenings in the MCU.

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